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Websites, LibGuides, Digital Archives, Blogging

Recent Projects

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Transitioning to Online Learning with LibGuides & LibWizard at the Kent School


Project: Blogging

Role: Guest Blogger


As a guest blogger for Springshare, the creators of LibGuides, I wrote a post on how I used LibGuides as we transitioned to remote teaching / online learning.

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The Association of Independent School Librarians


Project: Blogging

Role: Board of Directors, Member-at-Large
Platform: WordPress


As a Board member for the Association of Independent School Librarians (AISL), I blog about topics of general and specific interest in the field of librarianship. 

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The John Gray Park '28 Library at Kent School


Project: Library Website for Kent School, Kent, CT

Role: Instructional Designer
Platform: Web, Springshare LibGuides CMS
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Database Widgets
Languages: HTML, CSS


This website for Kentchool was created with the Springshare LibGuides CMS platform.

The Geier Library at Berkshire School


Project: Library Website for Berkshire School, Sheffield, MA

Role: Instructional Designer
Platform: Web, Springshare LibGuides CMS
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Database Widgets
Languages: HTML, CSS


This website for Berkshire School was created with the Springshare LibGuides CMS platform. It has currently been edited and no longer represents the original design. 

Berkshire School LibGuides


Project: LibGuides for Berkshire School, Sheffield, MA

Role: Instructional Designer
Platform: Web, Springshare LibGuides
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Database Widgets
Languages: HTML, CSS


This set of general and subject specific LibGuides was created for Berkshire School to support students, faculty and staff. The "Between the World and Me" All-School Read guide was selected as a "Best Guide" by Springshare for 'Content Structure' and 'Visual Design'.


WJL Training | Online Courses

Project: Online training courses for William J. Lauf Consulting, LLC

Role: Development, Front and Back End Design
Platform: Web
Tools: WordPress, LearnDash LMS, Adobe Photoshop
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


This series of online courses was developed for Sales Consultant, William Lauf to support blended training for Trade Show personnel. The training was developed over the course of six months and integrates traditional and hands-on learning exercises. 

Francis T. Patnaude, Jr. Website


Project: Website for artist and musician, Francis T. Patnaude

Role: Development, Front and Back End Design
Platform: Web
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Languages: HTML, CSS


This website was designed for artist and musician Francis T. Patnaude, Jr. Fran's artwork is visually stunning and the challenge was to create a website whose design didn't compete with or overpower his work and music. Widgets: ReverbNation



Elihu Burritt Library


Project: Redesign of the Elihu Burritt Library website at Central Connecticut State University

Role: Front end design, usability study design
Platform: Web
Tools: Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop
Languages: HTML, CSS


This project was started in the summer of 2009 during an internship with Deborah Herman at Central Connecticut State University. The goal was to create an intuitive, easy to navigate and visually appealing interface. Design work continued into the spring of 2010 with usability testing and numerous revisions to the prototype. Note* This site recently underwent a revision and no longer reflects this design.   


The David Casey Copley '70 Library

Project: Website for Canterbury School; a private, independent Secondary School

Role: Development, Front and Back End Design
Platform: Web
Tools: Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Since this was the first library website for this school, there were several challenges with this project: keep with the design elements of the school website, create a site visually appealing, engaging, and intuitive to both teens and adults, create links to top digital and print resources, and complete it within a two month timeframe. Widgets: Twitter and LibraryThing


Note: This site is no longer live. 

Christopher Brown Music Website


Project: Website for sound engineer, Christopher Brown

Role: Development, Front and Back End Design
Platform: Web
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Languages: HTML, CSS


This website was designed to highlight the services offered by Grammy Award-winning sound engineer and musician, Christopher Brown. Widgets: Embedded mp3 player


Sadly, Chris passed away September 24, 2014 and his site is no longer active. 


© 2020 | Nancy Florio

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